O Lord, God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven. You are the ruler of all kingdoms on earth. You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you!
2 Chronicles 20:6 nlv
This was a prayer and declaration King Jehoshaphat made unto our heavenly Father when armies of different nations wanted to go into battle with him. He was in fear, anxious and need to seek wisdom from the lord. Ask yourself every time you was afflicted how did it make you feel? What was your first call to action? You see when we seek our heavenly father in prayer we go with confidence and remind him of who he is and what he has already done. That is how you gain confidence and reassurance that no matter what happens in life - we know who reigns supreme in times of affliction. Next time you pray start calling out the things our Lord has already brought you through- there is victory in that.
Fix your prayer posture!