Then Jesus said, " Come to me, all who are weary and carry a heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."
Mathew 11:28 NLV
I am huge advocate for journal writing as it allows me to collect my thoughts, feelings, emotions and write them down. It also gives me glimpse of whatever adversities I face in that moment, a month or year from now won't matter. My journal was and still is the first form of therapy. But deep inside I knew I was writing and giving me cares to my heavenly father, when I couldn't verbally express myself. In life we all face challenges and sometimes those challenges seems like the end of the world. But what if we just take a moment to practice stillness, deep breathing to recollect our emotions, we gain more clarity. The scripture above of Mathews 11:28 NLV reminds me how leaning into Christ is the ultimate solution. The burdens we carry are light as a feather to God. We sometimes put way too much pressure on ourselves. When God is like " I go this, and I got you." How comforting it is to know that our trials and tribulations are small to him. I delight in the Lord when I don't have the answers and learn to practice stillness. Maybe you don't know what the looks like or feels like. I would start by going to a quiet place and being quiet; and allow the presence of the lord to enter your heart with rest.
Its a New Month..
New Season..
Pay attention to what God even through your circumstances is requiring you to do!!
Blessings Upon You!